Saturday, November 3, 2018

A tourist attraction of the waterway in Palembang

Waterway in Palembang

For those who are new to the waterways, a trip to Musi is probably the most exciting tourist attraction in Palembang, the capital of the Indonesian province of South Sumatra. The Musi River is one of the main rivers in Indonesia and the longest on the island of Sumatra. It divides Palembang, the capital of the province of South Sumatra, into the upper region (Ulu) and the lower region (Ilir) of Palembang. Along this river lies one of the longest bridges in Indonesia, the Ampera Bridge, which connects the upper and lower Palembang regions.

There are many ways to explore the River Musi from top to bottom. If you want to customize it, you can take a quick boat or a general boat called jukung. However, if you want to do it in a group of more than 40 people, it is better to rent a boat called KMP. Putri Kembang Dadar. You may need to book the boat in advance during the holiday season. A package that costs between $ 750 and $ 1000 will include insurance, a tour guide, live music + singer, a mini bar, a mini podium and an air-conditioned terrace. The music tour in the KMP. Putri Kembang Dadar is a 4-hour tour called at the harbor near Fort Kuto Besak (KBF) or by the locals Benteng Kuto Besak (BKB).

What do you see during the tour? The tour offers a journey through life on both sides of the Musi River and transportation in the Musi River. You can see how residents use the Musi River not only as a source of drinking water, like most Palembang citizens, but also how they use the river as a source of income to save their lives. The most notable destinations of the racetrack include the reception on the raft (Rumah Rakit), the fertilizer PT. Pusri, Pertamina Oil Refinery, Bagus Kuning District, Lawang Kidul Mosque (Mesjid Lawang Kidul), Ki-Merogan Mosque (Mesjid Ki Merogan), Kuto Besak Fortress and Kemaro Island (Pulau Kemaro) with their legendary love story.

The taste of Palembang and the province of South Sumatra can be enhanced by serving traditional dishes, the Empek-Empek of Palembang and the popular local fruits of South Sumatra, the sweet fruit duku. While traveling on the Musi River, you will be accompanied by a small national group consisting of an organ that will entertain you with your local singer. And if you like to sing, the organist is ready to play the music for you. If you want to sing but can not really remember the song you're looking for, do not worry, it will provide you with multiple collections of songs to select your favorite songs. The 4-hour tour takes place quickly, without you realizing that you have spent 4 hours of your life.

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